The D3 Alarm

The Corrections Industry is chronically understaffed. There aren't any spare officers that can monitor a map, waiting for a drone to appear. The D3 Alarm solves that problem. If a drone is detected by a D3 Sensor, the D3 Alarm will light up and sound off, providing your officers with a heads-up to check the map for the drone's location.

Free Up Personnel

The D3 Alarm stays silent until a drone is detected, freeing up time and officer's attention.

Customizable Alerts

Alarm lights and optional siren effects are customizable, allowing you to alter the alert needed depending on the situation.


D3 Sensors and Alarms have an internal radio network, cutting down on the number of Internet connections needed.

Remote Placement

The internal radio network allows Alarms to be placed far from Internet access, in exercise yards or on perimeter fences.


Sync Alarms with Sensors in whatever combination you need. One Alarm that monitors every Sensor, pair a single Alarm with a single Sensor, or any other combination.

Additional Alerts

The D3 System can also send out alerts via SMS, Email, and PHP calls to your databases.

Get Alerted When a Drone is in the Area

D3 Alarms alert officers as soon as a drone is around. Respond in real-time.